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Hybrid Work

Hybrid Work has come to stay. Use it to your advantage.

Hybrid working - optimally tailored to your team and organisation - can make a major contribution to overcoming the big challenges of today's world: Meeting the shortage of skilled workers? Contributing to a sustainable environment? Increasing the productivity in distributed organisations?


Adapted to your specific needs and requirements, hybrid working leads your team and organisation to a higher performance and overall success. We are by your side! 

Get the Idea

Understand the benefits of successful hybrid working and learn where to start with your team or in your organisation

Master first Challenges

Address the first topics that hybrid working teams and organisations face directly in the beginning.of your hybrid journey. 

Align Leadership with Hybrid Working

Start the Transformation

Initiate the loop process to continuously and sustainably transform into a hybrid performing team or organisation

Process supervision

Our Approach

Our approach "1-5-6 - Becoming a Hybrid Performing Organization" brings to the point what is important for working and collaborating in a hybrid set-up. Focusing on 1 key, 5 levers and 6 phases enables organisations to successfully follow their own path and master their specific challenges.

Our approach is published in the leading German magazine for change management and organisational development (ZOE). Learn more.

  • Start right away or learn more about us and our services.

Appreciation in podcasts and magazines

Consequently flexible - transformation to a hybrid organisation

In our article in the ZOE you will find an answer. 

ZOE 3_22 Cover.jpg

How organisations can reshape their working culture to enable their employees to work in a hybrid way! 

​Henning talked about this challenge with Nora and Martin in the podcast #ichwiralle. Check it out. 

How corporate culture can be intentionally influenced and what is important for a positive and appropriate corporate culture!

Henning talked with Berit in the podcast "Morgens halb 10 im Innovationsdorf". Check it out. 

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