Virtual tools and methods for experienced facilitators
February 3, 10, 17 and 24th
10:00 am to 1:00 pm UTC+1
Regular price: 620 EUR
Early bird: 560 EUR
Virtual tools and methods for experienced facilitators
February 3, 10, 17 and 24th
10:00 am to 1:00 pm UTC+1
Regular price: 620 EUR
Early bird: 560 EUR
Virtual tools and methods for experienced facilitators
February 3, 10, 17 and 24th
10:00 am to 1:00 pm UTC+1
Regular price: 620 EUR
Early bird: 560 EUR
Our list of
Accompanying the MOVING PICTURS Incubator Program for innovative film distribution solutions of Some Fine Day Pix
Nigeria, Rwanda, Kenya, 2024
Designing and conducting a virtual leadership training for the fellows of the Berlinale Talents Mastercard Enablement Program
Participants from Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Nigeria, Peru, 2024 - 2025
Designing and facilitation of a 2-day team development workshop
Germany, 2023
Consultation in the field of organisational development and facilitation of workshops on-site and online
Turkey, Libanon and Germany 2022-2023
Designing and facilitation of a 2-day planning workshop
Belgium, 2023
Designing and facilitation of a 2-day planning workshop
Germany, 2023
Designing and facilitation of a 2-day planning and team development workshop
Germany, 2023
Designing and facilitating a 2-day hybrid cooperation and exchange workshop for all GIZ projects linked to the regional ‘Green Agenda’, including the Country Office & Director, approx. 30 participants
Kosovo, 2023
Accompanying two regional consultation processes, moderation of two regional conferences for the UN Undersecretary General Amandeep Gill, as well as various virtual workshops, objective: Co-creating shared inputs for the UN Global Digital Compact
Kenya, India 2022-2023
Developing the the concept of and facilitating the strategy workshop the Corporate Unit Evaluation of the GIZ.
Germany 2022
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Designing and conducting a virtual change management training for industrial park managers
Morocco, 2022
Developing and conducting a workshop to introduce Capacity WORKS for a GIZ project team
Libanon, Turkey, Germany, 2022
Consulting and facilitating a virtual planning process to set up a complex multi-stakeholder project in the textile sector
Germany, Ghana, Ivory Coast, 2022
Developing and conducting a virtual training process and video course for the writing of APMP internal project proposals
Asia-Pacific Region, 2022
Developing the concept and facilitating an extensive 2 days strategy workshop with 14 participants on-site.
Germany, 2022
Facilitating a hybrid general assembly meeting of the worldwide Network of Tax Organisations (NTO)
France, worldwide, 2022
Designing and facilitating the 2-day virtual event "GIZ Evaluators' Days 2022" with around 80 participants from around the world organised by GIZ Corporate Unit Evaluation - Central Project Evaluation
Germany, 2022
Facilitating a virtual planning workshop with 25 representatives of the subjects and the members of the deanship at the FH Münster - Münster Business School
Germany, 2022
Accompanying a project team to improve their virtual collaboration, communication, and meetings
Germany, 2022
Facilitating 6 webinars and virtual product-launch events related to the "Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities at Work", particularly in textile supply chains
Worldwide, 2022
Accompanying the restructuring of a team of 14 waste management experts, including 2 team workshops (remote / on site)
Kosovo, 2022
Developing a methodological and technical concept for a 3-day hybrid conference of GIZ’s sectoral network ‘NEDA’ with a focus on experience sharing among up to 300 experts worldwide
Kenya, worldwide 2022
Supporting the International Tax Compound's global secretariat in organising their virtual collaboration, as well as the collaboration with their members organisations
Germany / South Africa, 2022
Facilitating a 2-day team building workshop with 12 participants on site
Germany, 2021
Designing and conducting a training on virtual / hybrid facilitation and event design for Boehringer Ingelheim’s organisational development unit, attached to the board of directors
Germany, 2021
Facilitating a virtual 2-month process to integrate anti-corruption measures into a reconstruction project
Iraq, 2021
Designing and facilitating a virtual cooperation workshop between two departments at GIZ
Germany, 2021
Co-designing and co-facilitating opening and closing sessions (approx. 150 participants) of a virtual international conference week for a sectoral network, including high-level panel discussions
Worldwide, 2021
Facilitating a cooperation workshop between a GIZ project and a team of researchers from Technische Universität Berlin
Germany, Tunisia, 2021
Remotely accompanying the top management of one of GIZ’s largest programmes (100+ employees) regarding the new organisational alignment after a merger
Germany, 2021
Facilitating a virtual steering committee with G5 Sahel military commanders, European Union representatives and GIZ project managers
G5 member states, Germany, Belgium, 2021
Conducting a Virtilitation-Training "Virtual Tools & Methods" for experienced facilitators and consultants
Germany, 2021
Facilitating a 2-day of virtual team workshop for a specialised unit, directly reporting to the managing board of GIZ
Germany, 2020
Facilitating 2 extensive virtual Design Thinking workshops for teams working in the field of employment promotion and matchmaking
Benin, Senegal, Nigeria, Zambia, Germany, 2020
Conducting a Virtilitation-Training "Virtual Tools & Methods" for experienced facilitators and consultants
Germany, Switzerland, 2020
(Co-)Conceptualising the methodological and technical implementation of an international virtual conference week, including remote simultaneous interpretation, for a network of 250 governance experts from 40+ countries; (co-)facilitating the opening and closing of the conference week
Worldwide, 2020
Facilitating a virtual process for a bi-organisational team to determine their strategic orientation for the next project phase
United Kingdom, Germany, South-Africa, 2020
Facilitating 9 face-to-face and 2 fully virtual Anti-Corruption workshops
Democratic Republic of Congo, Benin, Iraq, Madagascar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, 2016-2020
Conducting 3 trainings on agile methods for GIZ's entire country portfolio
Morocco, 2019-2020
(Co-)Conducting a leadership training for 18 German Red Cross team leaders
Germany, 2019-2020
Facilitating 7 strategy and team workshops for the top management of a project with 200 employees in 11 countries
Germany, 2018-2019
Remotely designing a stakeholder process for the creation of 2 industrial parks for Conseil, Ingénierie et Développement S.A.
Morocco, 2018-2019
Facilitating a team development workshop and a strategy workshop for the management team of Yeesal Agri Hub
Senegal, 2018
Conducting a facilitation & visualisation training for NGO experts
Tunisia, 2018
Facilitating workshops and supporting a cultural change process at the University of Rostock
Germany, 2017-2018
Coaching a remotely operating project team
Democratic Republic of Congo, 2017
Supporting the works council at Oxfam Novib during a critical phase of a major restructuring
Netherlands, 2015-2016
Remote (co-)preparation of an international conference on sustainable industrial areas with 200 participants from 15+ countries
Morocco, 2016-2017
Conducting a change management training for specialists and executive staff of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Germany, 2016
Excerpt of clients we worked with:
United Nations
German Foreign Office
Berlinale Talents - Mastercard Enablement Program
Some Fine Day Pix gGmbH
University of Rostock
EU 4Business
German Red Cross
Conseil, Ingénierie et Développement S.A.
NIRAS Gruppen A/S
International Tax Compound (ITC)
IBF International Consulting sa
PAREMA - Morrocan-German Energy Partnership
Sustainable Industrial Areas Working Group (GIZ / Worldbank / UNIDO)
C40 Cities
Yeesal Agri Hub
BIANCO - Malagasy National Anti-Corruption Agency
Oxfam Novib
University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Police, Mecklenburg Western-Pomerania